The Burton’s Story

Adoption means love and family to us. Due to the beauty of adoption, Kyle and I were able to grow our family when we once feared we never would. Adoption is more than a season of life for us— it is life. Adoption has changed our mindset on many things that we once took for granted. We now see life a bit brighter. We have learned what it truly means to have faith. Before adoption, we knew we were Christians because we love God. But when God lays something on your heart and you choose to follow His plan instead of your own, it is a feeling you can’t describe. We have grown as individuals and as a couple more within the last year that we ever expected. Our family will forever be grateful for this life changing event that brought us our son.

Through the blessing of Always Endure and their 1st Annual Bella’s Snow Ball 5k, we were able to pay a large portion of our adoption fees. Always Endure is more than financial assistance though. Corey and Brittany are each a light and amazing friends that we have gained. We can never say “Thank You” enough or repay our community and everyone who has been a part of our adoption journey. We look forward to helping other families as Always Endure has helped us.

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The Maples’ Story


Jack’s story