
Corey Buckner

Executive Director/Founder

“We truly desire to glorify God in all that we do. Always Endure was brought to life as I began many grueling months of cancer treatment. The Lord gave me these two words to be my battle cry to never give up, even on the hardest of days. Brittany and I have endured many more challenging seasons since cancer. Yet, God has been faithful and used our circumstances to grow our faith and dependence on Him. As we remove barriers for families, we pray for opportunities to share the life-changing message of the gospel of Christ. To Him be all the honor, glory, and praise!”

Corey has sixteen years of experience working at nonprofit organizations. In addition to Always Endure, Corey is the associate pastor at a local church and loves serving the Lord alongside Brittany and their daughter, Bella.


Brittany Buckner

Executive Assistant/ House of Hope Coordinator

“My desire is for God to live out His glory through my story. The ministries of Always Endure are our passion projects. We strive to give back to our community for all the ways they have supported us through our difficult seasons. This ministry is a way that we can tangibly show the love of Christ to those around us.”

In addition to Always Endure, Brittany is the children’s ministry director at a local church, next generation director for a local CBS chapter, and has a passion for serving others so Christ may get the glory.

Board of Directors

Corey Buckner

Brittany Buckner

Gay Dempsey

Pastor Kenny McNatt

Josh Ogle